Help to access information and express your views

If you feel that your views are not being heard or you feel you cannot express what you want to say then you might want to consider getting independent advocacy support to help you through the whole process.

Using an advocate can help to give you a stronger voice by enabling you to express your own needs and make your own decisions. Advocates can also assist you to gain access to information, to explore and understand your options and to make your views and wishes known.

The Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance can provide much more information about advocacy support and their website at can help you to find advocacy support in your area.

If you or someone you know is over 16 and at risk of physical, sexual, financial or psychological harm or neglect because of a disability, mental disorder, illness or physical or mental infirmity, you can contact the Adult Protection Unit or its equivalent in your local area. Contact details are available via the Act Against Harm website.

If you are worried about a human rights issues affecting you or your friends or family you may wish to think about the following steps:

Steps to follow