Welcome to Care about Rights
The Scottish Human Rights Commission has developed training and awareness raising resources relating to the care and support of older people.
This project aims to empower people to understand their human rights, and increase the ability and accountability of those who have the duties to respect, protect and fulfil rights.
In Scotland the population is ageing - there will be choices about how resources are spent by different public authorities, and in the services offered by public, private and voluntary groups. The Commission would like to see a commitment to human rights becoming central in everyday practice and policy in the care and support of older people.

Who is Care about Rights for?
The training materials are a useful resource for older people, carers, care workers, managers, Care Commission Officers, policy makers and commissioners of care.
Care about Rights explains the benefits of applying human rights principles to everyday situations. The training is designed to increase awareness and knowledge of human rights issues, and give practical advice about how to apply human rights principles in the delivery of care.
The interactive resources help to increase understanding and awareness about:
What human rights are and how they are applicable in care settings
The relationship between human rights and other legislation and standards
How human rights can help to balance risks and rights in decision making
How human rights can support the delivery of person centred care
How human rights can help resolve conflict and improve communication with people using services, their families and others.
Support for Care about Rights
The Commission is very grateful for the support of partners in developing and delivering the Care about Rights project, in particular the Private Care Sector Workforce Initiative team at Scottish Care.