Training roll out update

Since the Care about Rights project launched in September 2010, the Commission has encouraged care services to make the most of the materials available and the training on offer. All registered services for older people's care have been sent a copy of the CD/DVD, together with a letter from the Chair of the Commission inviting services to participate in training. The online version of the training, including all the short films, was launched on December 10 2010 and can be accessed here
The Commission completed three two-day 'training of trainer' courses in Glasgow, Paisley and Inverness in September and October 2010. Many thanks to all of you who participated so enthusiastically, and particularly to those of you who have gone on to roll out the training in your own organisations.
We would encourage everyone who has attended training courses to continue cascading the human rights based approach in your workplaces and with colleagues. We know people learn best when messages are revisited and repeated, so we welcome the integration and sustainable embedding of the Care about Rights messages in different ways. It has also been great to hear from organisations who have worked to integrate human rights into other training courses such as dementia training or induction courses.
Feedback so far
The feedback about the training materials and the training sessions delivered so far from our independent evaluation team at GEN has been extremely positive. Over 80 % of participants agreed or strongly agreed the training was interesting and engaging and covered what you need to know. Similarly, over 85% responded positively to the training materials and agreed that the FAIR flowchart helped in applying a human rights based approach. A participant from one of the training of trainers courses told us: "The training is very informative and thought provoking. I now have a better understanding and knowledge base that I am already planning to use in my workplace."
The findings of the interim evaluation of the project also flagged specific challenges faced by the sector in rolling out the key human rights messages however, such as the pressure on budgets and staff time as well as the need for continued awareness raising in order for the approach to be adopted by all services.
We're glad the messages from the training have been relevant and helpful and hope you continue to use the human rights based approach in training, communication and in every day decision making.
If you have any feedback on applying a human rights based approach in practice we would love to hear from you - please let us know about your experiences.
Support for Care about Rights
The Commission is very grateful for the support of partners in developing and delivering the Care about Rights project, in particular the Private Care Sector Workforce Initiative team at Scottish Care.